Iglesia tabernáculo de verdad

¿Estás interesado en estudios bíblicos en español? Comuníquese con el Hno. Bobby y la Hna. Marife Gardner. 513-760-9525

Sunday School

At Truth Tabernacle Church, we have a dynamic Sunday School Department. Every Sunday from 10:00 am until 11:15 am, we offer classes that create welcoming environments full of friendly fellowship and founded in biblical instruction. Our goal in Sunday School is to present the Bible in a practical and engaging manner so that each age in attendance can grow in God and develop a deeper walk with Jesus.


Most Sunday mornings our children’s classes include a yummy snack, a craft, a fun worksheet, and an applicable Bible story. Our children also enjoy the General Store which they are able to visit once a month through earned achievements in attendance, enthusiastically reciting their memory verses, and bringing new friends to visit. Also once a month is our special BLAST service where all classes come together for a lesson and worship on their level.  


Our Youth, Teen, College and Career, and Adult classes are biblically founded, engaging, and some offer challenging discussions. At Truth Tabernacle, there are enthusiastic teachers who seek only to help their students move to the next level in their walks with God. You will find a welcoming, engaging atmosphere in our adult classes that encourages you to be Christ-like in every area of your life.


We invite you to be our guest in one of these classes next Sunday:

Nursery Class (6 months-2 years)

Pre-K - Kindergarten (Ages 3-6)

Beginner's Class (1st-3rd Grades)

Primary Class (4th & 5th Grades)

Junior's Class (6th-8th Grades)

Youth Class (9th-12th Grades)

College & Career Class (Adults 18-29)

kids power hour

Children are a blessing from the Lord! Our church feels a responsibility to spiritually nourish all ages who attend, to disciple them, and help them build bonds of friendship. All efforts have the ultimate goal of helping children build a good relationship with Jesus.


Children ages 2-11 are invited to join us Wednesday evenings for Kids Power Hour. Come experience a special time of music, activities, and fun-filled antics that is geared toward children learning more about Jesus.

Under Construction

Your child wants to be a part of the Youth Group but isn’t quite old enough? You want to encourage fellowship for your pre-teen beyond Sunday School? Then Under Construction Jr. Youth Group is just the answer! Under Construction Jr. Youth Group is a strong youth outreach program for ages 7-11. This fellowship group meets one Saturday a month for a bible lesson, craft, game, and snack. The goal of Under Construction is fellowship for this age group in a Christian learning experience.

Truth Youth

Truth Youth is a ministry geared toward the youth ages 12-18 years old. Youth worship and teaching include Tuesday bi-weekly bible studies, sectional and state youth rallies, bi-annual national conferences, and annual state campmeeting giving our youth a chance  to be able to worship God, hear His word, and experience His presence in a space all their own.


Truth Youth is also a fun-filled fellowship group which meets twice monthly for youth nights and activities such as game nights, ice skating, snow tubing, corn maze, King’s Island, camping, and scavenger hunts.


At Truth Tabernacle Church, we believe that the youth are not only the leaders of the church of tomorrow, but they are active members of today’s church. Through the direction of a youth team, Truth Youth strives to cultivate an atmosphere in which spiritual growth is encouraged. Youth are given the opportunity to create life-long friendships and make positive life-change decisions.


Hyphen is a ministry for single young adults ages 18-30. Hyphen seeks to keep young adults in church by keeping them actively engaged in church services and fellowship as they exit the "youth group" age and brace for the "real world."


At Truth Tabernacle Church we pursue that mission by meeting weekly for Bible studies, and getting together once a month for a more laidback fellowship event. Our events range from board game nights to whitewater rafting to holiday parties to snow tubing to attending state and national hyphen events. 

Join us! #truthtabhyphen #beahyphen


It is our pleasure to invite you to join the Ladies group of Truth Tabernacle Church. It is our belief that as women of God, we should embody the makings of a Proverbs 31 woman. We aim to fulfill that mission by coming together as a group spiritually and with fellowship. Some of our events include Ladies Prayer the first Monday of the month, bi-monthly outings, our annual Ladies Trip each fall, and our yearly state Ladies Retreat in September. We also head yearly fundraisers to benefit the church and Mother’s Memorial offering.


We invite all men and young men to join our Men’s ministry! Our men come together each month on the first Tuesday for a night of focused prayer. Once a year, they travel together to the Ohio District Men’s Conference in September. They also fellowship together at their annual Father/Son picnic, Miami University basketball game night, or just dinner with the guys!

Take Up Your Cross

It’s all about Jesus and the cross. Use His life, His heart, His mind, and any opportunity that life brings to declare His love to a lost and hurting world. If you have compassion for those in our community beyond the church doors and a need to witness through giving of your time and/or your funds, then Take Up Your Cross Ministries will allow you to fulfill those needs.


Matthew 25:36-40, “For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me. Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.”